Sunday, January 22, 2023


I am honoured to post my first (WhatsApp) interview on the blog.

Shortly after I published my previous piece, someone reached out to share their horrific experience with my previous head in the form of a comment. A lot of it was very similar to the experience of other ex-colleagues and mine own.

It is disgusting that, despite the joint efforts of those of us who suffered under her reign of toxicity to bring her to accountability, she has joined the council’s school improvement team and been able to victimise people further afield than her school. The fiefdom has expanded rather than been curtailed.

Many thanks to the very brave person who got in touch with me via a union friend. They have gone out of their way to expose the truth. Solidarity and respect.


Interlocutor: Hi Alex, (an) ex NEU messaged me your number. I am happy to help with further evidence of X (the head at my previous school).

Me: Morning (…), thank you so much for reaching out. I was sorry to hear that you also experienced the X treatment. I have a lot of questions for you but obviously the first one is how are you doing?

Interlocutor: Morning, yes, I am good. I quit teaching because of the treatment from the new head that coincided with X. She is rotten to the core.

Me: I am really sorry to hear that. When did you leave your school?

Interlocutor: I left July last year. I went on long term sick after X was in and tightening the screw in my school as her role of improvement. She was coaching the new head at our school and I was on her radar.

Me: Who bears most responsibility for your departure? I hope you don’t mind; I am going to fire off lots of questions. Please let me know if it is too triggering.

Interlocutor: I was invited to the school one day to see how their maths lead was doing. It was meant as a sharing info type meeting. Inside I was blindsided in a meeting where her finger was pointing at me. What am I doing? What did I see in her school? Ad how am I going to do that in my school? It was a barrage of heavy questions. I had no answers because I was not ready. I was heavily bothered by her for months.

Me: (expletive) hell.

Interlocutor: Then I quit maths lead the next day because of how my head just stood there in front of her and let it happen

Me: Did you ever actually meet the maths lead there?

Interlocutor: I did but it was just a folder and how they teach maths type questions. Nothing else

Me: Jesus.

Interlocutor: X then came to my school weeks later and was in monitoring books in my class and chuckling to herself in front of me and the class when I was teaching.

Me: She came into mine with a new governor and loudly told him in front of kids that there wasn’t enough writing in English books. In front of children.

Interlocutor: That doesn't surprise me. I quit a week later as I wasn't getting along with my head and because of their monitoring BS. She kept looking for problems, so I quit a week or so later and then went on long term sick soon afterwards until July.

Me: So sorry to hear that.

Interlocutor: I follow your blog quite actively and love your work in bringing her to task: uncovering the paid advert, etc. I've spoken negatively about her to officials in the school improvement team because of the bullying tactics. Several heads I've spoken to when doing supply are shocked with her. So, I am happy sharing her name and bringing her to account.

Me: More questions: did you put in any official complaints?

Interlocutor: Only verbally to my head. Against X. Nothing came of it. Tbh I've gone from fear, to anger and resentment. Now I have grown myself and just shudder at her.

Me: Good. I’m glad you’re in a better place now.

Interlocutor: Thanks, it took a few bumps since finishing, but my mental health comes first. Not some power hungry (head).

Me: Thank you so much for reaching out. And if you want help (…), let me know.

Interlocutor: Thank you again Alex.

Me: Thank YOU! Take care (…) and talk v soon.

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