Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Cat and mouse 2

Just before Christmas, I wrote a post about my continuing fruitless attempts at getting the council to reengage with my whistleblowing case. Not much has changed unfortunately. Despite undeniable and ongoing issues of victimisation and toxicity, the council chooses to act as if nothing untoward has happened.  

My Kafkaesque correspondence continues as you will be able to see below.


Sent: 06.01.23

Dear [HR rep], 

I hope that this finds you well and that you have had a good Christmas break.

I am writing to enquire about the progress of the re-opening of the whistle-blowing case.

I reiterate that Protect agree that my concern is likely to be in the public interest and that the NEU is also eager that this request be considered seriously. 

Can we agree that it is reasonable for me to expect a response by the end of next week (13/01/23)?

Best regards,



Dear Alex

Best wishes to you for 2024.  Coincidentally, I received a reply from [the Teachers’ Pay and Conditions employee] today.  She says that she referred your complaint to the (council’s) LADO and arranged for colleagues to pass that information to you.  She also confirmed that the Department would not be taking any action at this time.

Best wishes

[HR rep]   


Dear [HR rep],

Let’s begin with 2023 before rushing to 2024. 

Please find attached a photo of the email sent to me on 15/11/22. 

Am I to surmise that you are standing by your decision not to let the whistleblowing go ahead?




Dear [HR rep],

Further to my e-mail of 06.01.23, I would like to add that had you read my previous e-mails more carefully, you would have been aware that I had already brought up the fact that the DfE was not taking any further action. The explanation I got from the DfE was that this was because they were expecting [the council] to look into again properly.

You have yet to fully confirm [the Teachers’ Pay and Conditions employee]’s information that [the council] is 'looking into' the matter.  You suggest that you have not been kept in the loop but that the LADO has. You state that [the Teachers’ Pay and Conditions employee] has been in touch with the LADO and "arranged for colleagues to pass that information to you." Please could you provide me with the details of these colleagues so I may contact them directly. 

This whole process has literally been dragging on for years and sheds a poor light on [the council] in its refusal to commit to a duty of care to its staff and community. 

I reiterate that it is reasonable for me to expect a response by the end of next week (13/01/23).



Sent: 23.01.23

Dear Alex

I am writing further to the email (…), sent to you from the [council] LADO. My email is to confirm that the Governing Body of Dalmain School and the (…) Local Authority are not intending to re-open the investigation into concerns you raised under whistleblowing.  Both parties accept the conclusions reached by the independent disputes’ resolution investigator. 

Best wishes

[HR rep]


Dear [HR rep],

Thank you for getting back to me. It comes to me as no surprise that you and the governing body should accept the original decision made by the 'independent' investigator. It certainly makes it far easier for both parties. 

It is interesting that a letter of commendation can be found on said 'independent' investigator's website published shortly after the whistleblowing was deemed not in the public interest (see attached).

I am getting legal advice on this and will be in touch in due course.

Best regards,



While this back and forth can be thoroughly dispiriting, I am increasingly able to laugh about some of the more ridiculous twists and turns. It would be good to get closure - here's hoping... In the meantime, keep on truckin'!

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