Sunday, March 17, 2024

Curiouser and curiouser…

After the odd comments from 25.02.24, this week began with another corker: 

Mate, people are sharing screengrabs of this blog left right and centre at both your old and new school. And not in a positive way! 😐

Well now! Who would write that? It’s clearly not someone looking out for my best interests. And don’t they realise this is a public blog? It’s hardly hidden away in some obscure recess of the dark web.

My feeling is it’s someone who is a little rattled. I feel (and having chatted to friends and ex-colleagues about this, I’m not alone feeling this) that these one-dimensional comments have most likely been written by one and the same person, with this latest one now trying out a new tone.

There would appear to be an agenda: to make me seem a little ‘unhinged’ and a fabricator of tall tales.

However, these comments are ironically only giving the blog more exposure and helping it reach more people. There has been a huge increase of hits these past few days and I have received lovely messages of support, from lots of different people. I really appreciate all them taking the time to write.

So, whoever you may be, please do keep those comments coming! I can’t wait to read the next character you try out.

On a more serious note, as I mentioned in my previous post, behind these comments lies a profound disregard for, if not attempt at stigmatisation of, mental health. There is a strong element of gaslighting - as one response put it: it’s pretty repulsive behaviour given the circumstances. It's textbook gaslighting.


  1. The comment from your 'mate' is no different to the bully attempting to belittle the child in the playground on the basis that, 'nobody likes you'. Accordingly, I sincerely hope its author has nothing to do with education.

    1. Thank you for your comment, and I couldn't agree with you more. Sadly, in all probability, my 'mate' is not only in education, but quite possibly a member of the school community in question: parent, educator, maybe even SLT...


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