Friday, April 21, 2023

Letter to LSFed parents from Prendergast NEU members

Below is a letter to LSFed parents on the upcoming industrial action from NEU members. 

After talks with members of the Governing Body at ACAS, we asked for permission to send you this letter outlining our position on Parentmail. We also requested to send it to all staff via Prendergast email. These requests have been ignored by the leadership despite being reiterated. 

As a result we need you to share this letter widely.  We would like to reach all LSFed parents and the wider community. 

NEU members from across the borough will be joined by LSFed parents and students tomorrow to March against the academisation of LSFed Prendergast schools. Please join us to support our campaign to preserve our borough's community of schools.

Thank you so much for the support you have shown us so far: we cannot express our gratitude enough.

Prendergast NEU members


Dear Parents/Carers,

National Education Union members in the Leathersellers’ Federation have voted overwhelmingly to take strike action against the proposal of the Governing Board to form a Multi Academy Trust from September 2023. The reason we were balloted at this time is because the governors are meeting on May 3rd to decide whether to go through with becoming a Multi-Academy Trust: the dates are not arbitrary.


o   Context on the strike ballot

The YES vote was over 95% across the Federation’s three schools on an 81% turnout. Our members - the teachers and support staff of these schools - are resolute that they do not want a MAT to be formed and want to stay within the Local Authority Family of Schools. It is critical for parents to be aware that our support staff colleagues have also balloted and it is looking increasingly likely that they will be joining our industrial action shortly.

The announcement for NEU industrial action came on the final day of the six week consultation during which the NEU reps and Governors met multiple times throughout. The Governing body knew precisely what was at stake. However, they have chosen not to make reasonable adjustments within that time frame which has left teachers with no option but to take industrial action. We have repeatedly put our points across many times: these strike dates were a last resort.


o   The impact of the ballot

We hoped the ballot result would encourage the Governing Board to recognise that their proposal does not have the support of the school communities, and that it is an unnecessary distraction at a time of year when our members want to be focussing on supporting students, many of whom are about to sit public exams. We were told by governors that Spring Term was chosen for the MAT consultation as it would be the least disruptive time in the academic year. The Governing Body decided the timing of the consultation in the knowledge that any strike action (which they themselves anticipated) could impact on the student examination period. Teachers at LSFed schools are 100% committed to supporting our students through their exams. There will be dispensation for any members needed for practical exams.

In response to being quoted by the Governing body in its communications to staff and parents, Dr Mary Bousted (General Secretary of NEU) responded: "I said that I thought members would not take national strike action during the exam period. The situation is different if there is a different local timescale for forced academisation. They are deliberately mixing up two disputes."


o   ACAS mediation

On Thursday 20th April 2023, we were invited to negotiate with the Governing body on. We welcomed these ACAS mediated talks which lasted 7 hours. Our position was made clear from the onset and was based on the aforementioned vote. We showed flexibility and were prepared to compromise by suggesting a meaningful delay in which the MAT proposal could be properly explored and alternatives suggested. However, the Governors did not offer flexibility in their suggestions - in fact their proposals were insubstantial and did not in any way reflect our members’ will. Had the Governors suspended their proposal, we would have willingly suspended our strike action. However, we now have no option but to strike.


Industrial action is not a decision that we have taken lightly. We do not believe that conversion to a MAT is in our students' best interests and will continue to oppose this proposal.

The NEU staff have requested to put out a statement similar to this on ParentMail, but have as yet not received a response.

We thank you all for you continuing support.

Best regards,

Prendergast NEU members

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