A good friend has shared this with me:
The following passed at Ladywell ward Labour 12 votes to 1 against and 1 absention. Will now go to Lewisham Deptford constituency Labour.
1. That on 20 February management at the Prendergast federation of schools announced they want to convert it into a Multi-Academy Trust. Ludicrously they declared only a six-week consultation.
2. That a consultation meeting called by the governors themselves at the St Mary’s Centre voted something like 70-3 against academisation.
3. That Lewisham National Education Union (NEU) is campaigning to stop the academisation. Its members at the schools have voted overwhelmingly to strike against it, with multiple strike days coming up – including 26 April and 3, 4, 9, 10 and 11 May (in addition to national strikes over pay). GMB members (support staff) are also balloting.
4. There have now also been student protests against academisation.
5. That in 2014-15 academisation at Prendergast was stopped by a campaign by staff and their unions, students and parents. In 2016 Labour members were central in blocking a wider attempt to academise Lewisham schools.
6. That the council Labour group voted overwhelmingly to oppose the academisation and call for it to be dropped – reflecting previous pressure by Labour members.
7. That party conference has voted repeatedly for return of academies to local authority control.
1. That the supposed educational benefits of academies have been disproven; that academies divert funds from frontline teaching and school staff, represent a threat to pay and conditions, and undermine local authorities and local democratic accountability of schools.
2. That if this was decided through a democratic process, there would be no or almost no academies. As a minimum staff, parents and students should get a binding vote.
1. To advertise and take people on the demonstration this Saturday 22 April and to the strike picket lines.
2. To write publicly to the Prendergast governors and the Leathersellers organisation linked to the schools to drop their plan and work to strengthen collaboration within the local authority.
3. To work with Lewisham NEU and the Stop Academies in Lewisham (SAIL) campaign; invite speakers from both; circulate their materials including their petition against this academisation to members and more widely; support campaigning they call.
4. To send this motion appropriately amended to the CLP; to call on other Lewisham wards and CLPs, our MPs and all councillors to speak out vocally against academisation and back the NEU and SAIL.
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