Monday, October 24, 2022


My local authority/council have begun a new campaign. I could not believe it.  A friend recently sent me the picture above of a poster seen in town.

Ready to shake things up: my arse.

This is the council that has done absolutely nothing to protect its teachers and other school staff from a narcissistic head.

This is the council who has refused to meet me to discuss the wrongdoings of the head and board of governors of my previous school.

This is the council who has to all intents and purpose served me with an unofficial cease-and-desist:

o    11/03/22: extract of Re: EMAIL COMMUNICATION WITH [SCHOOL]

Your emails to the School are causing the members of staff a great deal of stress and they themselves feel that your actions constitute a course of conduct that amounts to harassment.

In the circumstances we require that you immediately refrain from emailing of contacting any member of staff or Governor of the School or member of staff at the Council regarding [the] School.

In the event that you are not prepared to refrain from contacting members of staff or Governors of the School, your emails and contact telephone numbers will be blocked from their computer and telephone systems

We advise that you seek your own independent legal advice in this matter.

o    18/03/22: extract of Re: OFFENSIVE COMMENTS ON (…) SCHOOL’S TWITTER FEED

We ask you please not to comment, respond or in anyway interact with the School's and [PTA]'s social media accounts, including but not limited to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, or other social media accounts posting or commenting on the School positively, whether by existing or former staff and governors (…), or other organisations or people supporting [the school]. Any new accounts that relate to the above activity will also be blocked. We ask that you take the above action with immediate effect and confirm to us that you will do so.

I am trying to control my rage at the injustice of it all, but the lies, the collusion, the lack of duty of care... 

Talk about adding insult to injury.

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