Sunday, March 10, 2024

Haiku fun

Oh, the fun that can be had with the haiku form - 17 syllables of freedom. I thought I'd take a break from heavy blog posts this week and just enjoy a bit of messing about on themes I've already explored more seriously in the past.



This first haiku was inspired by my previous head's insistence on not getting involved in staff's emotional duress.

Upset staff

If you shed a tear,

Do not expect sympathy;

Tissues should suffice.



This next one is a riff on the lack of accountability at my previous place of work.

Nervous breakdowns

One man down - who cares?

Another four - who’s counting?

No one seems to see



This one echoes the head's dismissal of taking pride in one's work...


One thing is for sure,

There is no place for pride here,

Silly communist.



As Modern Foreign Languages lead, I was genuinely told to look into bringing Latin bacl onto the curriculum. Latin: that most famous modern foreign language. I actually thought the head was joking when this was suggested and laughed out loud. This was not appreciated...


In South East London,

Latin is a binding force:

Bridge the class divide!



No explanation needed here, surely.

Gaslit staff

Gaslit staff work best.

Never let them think they’re good.

Danger lies that way.



This one was written by my partner who wanted to join in on the fun.

Dread Head

In this silent school

The spider weaves her cold web

So capriciously


And this last one was generated by AI - scarily apt.

Evil head teacher

Cold eyes pierce through souls

Words like poison drip from lips

Darkness fills the halls


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