Sunday, January 21, 2024


England is a strange place in many respects. We love to complain in this country and yet we very rarely take direct action when it comes to bigger things. We groan, we grumble, but we rarely act.

I grew up in France. I am not saying the place is perfect. There are many institutional problems there. However, people will take to the streets far more readily than across the Channel, especially when it comes to workers’ rights.

Why? I am sure there are myriad reasons. Maybe having more of an insular mentality has made us more prone to accepting the whims of the ruling classes. Maybe our own brand of liberalism has meant that people trust the ‘money’ over morality. Could it be that it partly due to the influence of living under a monarchy, however risible it may be?

Added to this lack of action, many people in this in a country allow morals to be pushed to the side in favour of rugged capitalism, ultra-individualism: a philosophy of might is right - basically neo-Thatcherism. ‘Woke’ is increasingly used as an insult. It would appear that believing in justice, integrity and decency is deemed a sign of weakness by some. Does this scare people from speaking out?

My main point linked to the blog being that while we may moan, many will accept a status quo which is unacceptable, like a once community-focussed school gone toxic due mainly to the actions of one person.

I can understand that the ‘system’ underpinning a toxic workplace (led by a narcissist who puts their workforce at risk) will protect its own, however guilty they may be. Guilty by association... What I cannot understand or accept is that those who have suffered under such a system should choose to remain silent about their experiences.

Only by calling out bad -not to say damaging- behaviour and shoddy practice, can we hope that it will not continue and be repeated ad infinitum. It is apparent that after the appalling experiences of my contemporaries and myself, people are still suffering. We owe it to them and those to come, to speak out and protest to put a stop to unfair treatment.

No one deserves to be victimised, to be gas-lit, to be ostracised just because they will not accept the unreasonable demands of a bully, just because they refuse to bow down to a compromised and unfair toxic culture.

This is my plea to any of you who have suffered: get in touch. Share your experiences. 

I would like to extend this invitation to people who have suffered under other rogue heads, SLT, governors, etc. Please get in touch.

I know it is as cliché as it comes, but it is a truth that we are stronger together. If we do not do anything, how can things possibly progress? How can we guarantee decency at the workplace? How can we ensure that staff, children and families all feel safe and respected?

I would be grateful to hear from you. Nothing would give me greater pleasure to help in any way. You know where to find me.

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