Monday, December 12, 2022

More comments

It’s my first day off sick in forever so I thought I’d catch up on some admin - which led me to editing the blog.

I have put together all the comments I received on social media and on the blog at the end of November here for practicality’s sake, and also to be honest because it was reassuring after months of writing this alone. I know I’m being read (6471 hits as I type this on 12.12.22) but the comments making it that much more real and tangible.

Social media:



1) I can’t like this Alex but I am so pleased you have the strength to write so honestly about what some leaders are like. I’ll definitely keep reading. Hope you are in a better place now and valued for the fab teacher and colleague you are. X

2) I’m sorry this happened to you Alex, I remember you as such a warm and dedicated teacher. I worked in a school with a toxic leadership duo who definitely “gaslit” and left people in tears upon opening their emails, so glad to have moved on. All the best to you!! Xx

3) I've just read your blogs Alex and have been following some of your recent posts. I cannot even begin to comprehend how toxic your work environment was but I'm so glad that you are coming out the other side and have found a better school. Big love.



Reading this, it appears you may have been dealing with someone with a personality disorder, most likely a narcissist. Unfortunately, those folk are around and you have my utmost sympathy for having to go through that.


I remember at the start of the Easter holidays a few years ago and we were having a family break in Camber Sands, the head had emailed you the evening of the last day. She said that she'd been going through the PGL paperwork with her officer manager and that there were important papers missing/incorrect. She was concerned that this meant that the trip was likely to be unable to go ahead and it was down to your oversight. She asked you to meet with her first thing on the first day back. Your replied immediately and tried to contact her to ask for clarification and exactly what paperwork was missing or incorrect. She didn't reply. Of course, when you went back to school nothing was wrong and the trip was fine. But of course you stewed about it for two weeks, as she had intended you to. It was victimisation and bullying, clear and simple. The impact this has had on you and family around you cannot be understated. Reading about the detail makes me so angry and upset for you. Sadly those who put her in that position of power and turned a blind eye are intent on hoping it goes away. I hope this is bringing you some closure. You are amazing and we love you xxxx



It sounded dreadful. And sad and frustrating no one was prepared to acknowledge wrong-doings for the sake of the teachers that suffered like yourself and the kids that lost out as a result. That’s shocking.



Can you not sue? At least you would be channelling all that energy into some form of vindication.



1) How appalling and what a horrible thing to do. I hadn’t read your blog before because it upset me to think someone as lovely as you could have been treated poorly. I’m so sorry you went through this.

2) I agree with this also (…). It breaks my heart that someone who I know would give their all to do the best for the children they teach could be subjected to this. But then I remember that’s kind of how bullies work.



1) Pas cool du tout... on a tous malheureusement rencontré des personnes incompétents voire même toxiques qui semblent indélogeables car catapulteés à leur poste par le top management, un actionnaire etc... on est dans du copinage et plus dans un système qui fonctionne au mérite. Mobbing, harcèlement , humiliations etc sont monnaie courante dans les entreprises privées. J'ai connu cela aussi. Il y a 3 solutions: la démission (la fuite), monter au créneau (se battre) et le lâcher prise.  Aucune solution n'est la meilleure, cela dépend de la personne et du contexte. J'ai essayé les trois... Il faut essayer de choisir celle qui te permet de rester en bonne santé . Preserve toi ! Bon courage !

2) I am shocked and feel a bit sick. Books are beautiful things that can feed the brain and the soul. Well thumbed through books shows that many a child has delighted in the stories. Throwing them all away is truly disgusting.

And getting rid of the plaque to the ex-head is truly screwed up.. She should respect those that can come before her not be threatened by them. Urgghhhhhhhhh.

Thank goodness for the head of (your new school) in comparison.



I fully sympathise. I had a manager who was a textbook case of NPD. Took me a full year to recover after leaving...



I am so sorry for what you had to go through Alex. I hope writing and being read brings you comfort and healing...  And not just that but an organised effort to tackle the larger issue too.



Al I feel for you. Get it out there. Only then you will start to heal.



I was having a very long overdue clear up and found the children’s school reports. Your report for (my child)’s year 6 was so thoughtful. You clearly knew and understood him so well. You are an exceptional teacher and my son thrived in your class because of you, remember that! Thanks Alex



Very interesting comments! I hope that parent has answers to their questions if only they knew what the goings on were, and still are behind closed doors.






1) I’m a parent of children who’ve been at this school and am sad to read this. It would be very interesting to have other teachers (who have left or who are still in the school) opinions on these posts … I am interested to know whether they agree with Mr Gwinnett? Or not? Having these other thoughts and opinions would help to provide wider context.

2) Hi, I worked at the school during the time in question and have been following this blog with interest. I have to say I absolutely agree with the posts as being 100% accurate as a representation of the atmosphere in the school then. Staff were systematically bullied out of the school using various techniques, with a particular emphasis on causing them psychological harm. I hope it didn't impact upon the children in any way (other than obviously the teachers not being at their best.)

3) I also worked at the school during this immeasurably toxic time. To witness colleagues being intimidated, bullied and basically driven to mental breakdowns as well as experiencing such treatment first hand was something I thought I would never have to go through as the school used to be such a wonderful, happy, creative place to work with a wonderful community spirit. It swiftly turned into a cold, corporate and soulless, corporate entity in the times mentioned.
The mass exodus of talented and dedicated staff speaks for itself.

4) This blog makes for uncomfortable reading as it brings back some very unhappy memories of my own experiences at the school. I agree that it is an accurate account of what was happening at the time: the Headteacher's treatment of some staff was brutal and seemed to be beyond accountability. I hope things have improved there now, and I hope that all those staff who were so negatively affected have managed to move on to bigger and better things.


I worked at the school for the best part of twenty years. I loved my job until that woman took over. She was always so arrogant and rude. She obviously didn't care about the about children. It was down to her horrible treatment of staff and total lack of nurture for the children that I had to leave. There is no exaggeration in what Alex has written in this blog. And it's disgusting that nothing has ever been done by the governors or the council about this sad state of affairs. Some people just seem to be above any accountability. I left that place totally disillusioned.



As someone who taught at the school for several years, I can corroborate what has been said on this blog. I am adding my voice to it because all written complaints of unethical conduct made against the school's management (harassment, victimisation, dishonesty) were never engaged with, let alone investigated. On the contrary, and sickeningly, teachers were disciplined having raised concerns. The council sat on its hands in full knowledge. Without any proper accountability or transparency, is it any surprise that this blog has been written? 

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