Sunday, December 18, 2022

Fingers crossed

It has been an interesting year.

On the positive side, I am completely fulfilled at my current school. I feel valued, part of a real team and community, and have been given challenges that inspire me. I have never been this happy to go into work every morning.

Also, on the whole, this blog has had a positive impact: it has been cathartic and so helpful for my mental health. It has enabled me to record all the traumatic events that happened to me (and colleagues) at my previous school, as well as the lack of accountability and collusion that has continued to this day. I have had a lot of support from people who read the blog which has also been extremely healing.

On the negative side, at times the blog has been quite triggering. I have been honest and written at great length about the frustration of spending hours trying to get some form of accountability from the establishment. I have been in communication with: 

o   the school itself, 

o   its Chair of Governors, 

o   the council's HR, 

o   its LADO, 

o   its legal department, 

o   the DfE, 

o   Ofsted, 

o   the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman

o   the ICO, 

o   the press, 

o   a councillor, 

o   the mayor's office,

o   the lovely people at Protect,

o   and of course many ex-colleagues and parents who also suffered from the toxic culture of the previous school.  


And still - very little accountability. 

There has been no official acknowledgement of the wrong-doings of my previous head and the pain they are responsible for. 

The council is still stalling to agree to reopen whistle-blowing procedures. It has been stated, by people I would argue are far more competent than the 'independent' investigator hired by the council, that such a process would very much be in the public interest. 

I will be taking a break from the blog for Christmas – I owe it to my family. However, there is a little something that I may be able to publish here over the next couple of days – keep your fingers crossed for me and watch this space…



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