Sunday, May 22, 2022

on not giving up

As touched upon previously, our attempt to blow the whistle was thrown out in September 2021 - apparently not in the public interest.

Not in the public interest of the staff that were hurt. Five people leaving with mental health issues, and over 30 people leaving since 2017 due to the toxic culture of the school. 

Not in the public interest of the children who were seeing one member of staff after another leaving them: trusted and respected members of the community (teaching staff, office staff and governors). Consistency -and many would argue quality first teaching- ever receding.

And yet (again mentioned previously), I cannot let it go. If anything, the closing of ranks of the establishment (SLT, Board of Governors, Council, local councillor, etc.) has made me more determined. It's not just about me. It is for all those who have suffered and may suffer if nothing is done. 

Although, for obvious reasons, I cannot go into details, since September 2021, I have been busy fighting thisRealistically, I am not sure what any of this will achieve. It sometimes gets quite lonely. Some friends have argued that this 'crusade' is reaping diminishing returns. It may be so but giving up now would feel like letting people down. I guess I'll wait for things to be dealt with then regroup.

Who knows? Something may actually come of it...

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