Sunday, May 15, 2022

Exit interview - 14th July 2020

This past week has been SATs week and I'm exhausted. So, I'm directly publishing my anonymised exit interview notes rather than writing at length this weekend. 

I think it makes for interesting reading as I was very clear about my experience at the school and why it had been so destructive.

I insisted that the interview take place with someone other than the head. She fought this claiming all exit interviews were carried out by her. I eventually had to get in touch with HR who assured me that while "It is normal procedure for the headteacher to complete exit interviews however if you prefer not to meet with the headteacher you can have the meeting with someone else."

Once the interview had taken place, I naively thought these would have been used by the governors to try to introduce a little accountabilty to the school and protect colleagues remaining there. 

As far as I can tell, either these notes were not shared with the governing body or they were roundly ignored.



Why did you decide to leave?

Because of [the head] & her lack of trust and dismissiveness.

Inconsistent treatment of staff.

Pattern that has hurt many people. Many have left (20+).

Attack rather than negotiation.

No consequences for her actions. No attempt to resolve issues fairly.

What are you going to do next?

Going to be a Year 6 teacher. Nice after 2 years of not being trusted or valued.

Why did you begin looking for a new job? (if applicable)

Because I had a nervous breakdown. Subsequently, was made difficult for me to return to work.

Communication breakdown between [the head] and me.

Had been moved to Year 3 for no reason and against my wishes.

Given leadership position I wasn’t interested in.

Inconsistency in expectations. Lack of ‘scrutiny’ for yes people.

Pattern of gaslighting – e.g. unnecessary support plan.

What ultimately led you to accept the new position? (if applicable) 

See above.

What did you like about this school/your role?

It used to be a nurturing community school before arrival of [the head]. Spirit of teamwork and support.

Did you find the job rewarding? Did you find the job challenging? Why?

Children rewarding. Became very attached to my Y3 class. Am a teacher in it for nurture.

After arrival of [the head], undercurrent of divide and rule. Lack of integrity of SLT was a challenge.

Did you feel valued and appreciated in your role?

Not by [the head]. Communication with her generally about what she believed I was doing wrong. Pattern of emails sent at end of school week, just before holidays.

Felt appreciated by colleagues.

How would you describe the culture of our school? Can you give specific examples?

At times: toxic – not considering emotions of staff.

Retention doesn’t seem to be a priority.

Listed people who had left (more than 20) and mentioned that more people wanted to leave but struggling to do so due to C19 (identities kept anonymous).

Many changes made by [the head] aren’t beneficial to the school.

Dictatorial style of leadership – not democratic.

What would you change about the school/your role?

Governing body needs to know what is going on.

Union needs to be respected.

Some things haven’t changed despite assurances.

Do you feel the pay is fair for your role and responsibilities?


Did you feel you had the tools and skills that enabled you to do your job well? What could have been improved?

I have the experience to do my job properly.

Sad state of affairs at [the school]. Lack of checks & balances make it difficult to work in a fulfilling way.

Loved working with the children.

What are your thoughts on CPD at the school?

Staff consultation = ticking boxes.

Interesting maths training.

Weekly staff meetings uninspiring on the whole.

Teaching of Reading not appropriate for lower ability children.

Though appreciate Literacy Tree when trusted to implementing it autonomously.

What are your thoughts on communication at the school?

a) with parents

b) with staff

c) with governors

a) lovely, open

b) fine between peers, mentality of divide and rule from [the head]

c) a wall. Colleague sent a letter detailing the lead-up to & my consequent breakdown – either seen only by head of governing body or ignored by the governing body

What are your thoughts on performance management at the school?

Unrealistic – imposed

Documents not SMART

No dialogue

Were you comfortable talking to your line manager about work problems?

No. I went to [the head] with my issues at work. Not comfortable.

What are your thoughts on the leadership of the school?

It is divided. It seems as if all decision-making is kept in [the head]’s office – very much based on her.

No realization that respect and trust need to be earned. And no evidence of trust in the team from [the head].

Redundant leadership training.

Did you feel you were kept up-to-date on new developments and school policies?

Need-to-know basis. Marking policy – meeting discussions didn’t reflect the final policy.


How would you describe your workload/working hours?

High – goes with the territory, but didn’t need to be that high. More interested in product than rational results.

Is there anything we could have done differently that would have made you stay?

Creating an environment of trust, respect, teamwork, being listened to, collaboration of SLT, respect of the union, consistency. No victimisation.

Would you recommend us as a place to work?

No, I really wouldn’t. I feel guilty leaving as union rep for my colleagues staying. But my time under [the head] nearly destroyed me.

Is there anything else you wish to discuss?

These two years have easily been the most destructive and difficult years of my life.

I’m astonished at the lack of accountability.


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