Thank you AngelineFor many long years,We’ve learnt from fine booksAnd we’ve learnt from past talesAnd we’ve learnt from fine songs.But who were they for?And who wrote them down?It’s time that we heard them toldFrom other voices as well.
One who speaks from the heart,
One who’s made it her quest,Is our scholar of choice,Who’s been searching for years,
To show truth from the past,From a different placeRight in front of our eyes,And yet hidden away.
La la lee la la lay,Thank you AngelineFor the gifts you bestow.
In this country of ours,There are so many folk,Different colours and creedsWith rich stories to tell.
Angeline, more than all,Has taught us so much,Made us feel with her songsEmotions we’ve never known.
Despite a busy schedule touring, she found the time to record a 20 minute video where she answered every single question contained in their letters, and spoke every single child's name when answering the specific questions. Upon the class visualising the video, I spent the whole time watching the children's reactions: eyes wide open, mouths agape, faces full of joy. It meant the world to them and they will cherish these memories for the rest of their lives. They had taken ownership of their learning and been truly rewarded for their work.
That is why Angeline Morrison is my person of the year: a loving and generous artist who found time to bring joy into the lives of 60 Lewisham children and a bunch of us adults too.