Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Found it!

Just a little entry today, but I feel as if I had to share some pretty special news: I have finally located the pesky missing newsletter I mentioned over two months ago (‘Of missing newsletters…’ 30/07). It has miraculously just turned up on my previous school’s website. In October. Not that I have been checking frequently or anything…

Funnily enough, it’s got a very interesting section about staff turnover - amid some lovely heartfelt words from the head that I am sure the leaving teachers will have mightily appreciated. (Previous teachers who left, including myself, barely got a mention – ho hum.) Check this out:

After many years at [the school], we will be saying goodbye to [a number of teachers] at the end of term. They have given so much to our school and we wish them all the very best in their future endeavours, which, for most, will be outside education. […]

This year, we have seen a higher than usual number of teachers leaving the school, mainly to leave the profession. This, as widely reported, has become a common trend.

Well, well, well…

A higher than usual number of teachers leaving the school: 60% of class teachers to be exact.

Is 60% a common trend? I rather doubt it.

Oh, and nearly 50% the year before. I presume most of those are working outside education too. Maybe just escaping those particular environments where rogue heads are allowed to exercise power without accountability, where they are free to bully and victimise staff. Sorry, I digress.

Future endeavours outside education? Mainly to leave the profession? I have to say, that is not what I have heard. I could be wrong I guess. I’ll ask around…

I think most would agree that there is certainly more here than meets the eye.

A Tale of Two Ofsteds

  2019 – Ofsted #1 And so it came to pass that the head teacher was able to pull the wool over Ofsted’s eyes when our school was first inspe...